My formal training has been as an energy healer (Barbara Ann Brennan School of Healing-99), a kabbalist (A Society Of Soul-05), a spiritual psychotherapist (School of New Directions-88) and a specialist in understanding early love maps (Center for Intentional Living-15) . I bring to the table a love for words, stories and metaphors (MA creative writing -84) that transcends linguistic barriers. A double BA (Con U-07) in Psychology and Applied Social Sciences nourished my understanding of transference, archetypes and shadow work.

I am a strong believer that what I perceive in the World, in some way reflects what is within me. My latest interest brings the body into greater focus as so much of what affects us travels from the body to the brain on the wandering vagus nerve. Play and creativity possess tremendous healing potentials and are almost always part of the tools I bring to the table. In the end being able to reframe, or re-assess, or re-experience and in turn integrate what has been hidden or frozen is a choice way to be more fully open and alive. Teaching is a passion: it combines an ongoing desire to learn with an active love of deep group sharing and the emergent support inherent in a group.