Admission, Registration and School Policies

The Regulations, General Guidelines and Financial Terms of Ecole Setsuko may be subject to modifications throughout the year. These changes are made with the collective interest of our students, teachers, staff and administrators in mind, aiming to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Enhance fairness and equality for all parties involved.
  2. Streamline administrative and pedagogical procedures.
  3. Address specific criteria set forth by governmental bodies or professional associations.

It is the responsibility of each student to stay current with, and adhere to, Ecole Setsuko’s General Guidelines and Financial Terms

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or 514-482-1991 for any general inquiries, or contact for matters related to student accounts.

Admission Requirements & Fees

1. Enrollment Requirements

  1. To enroll, you must
    • Be 18 years of age or older;
    • Have proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading and writing English;
    • Possess a high school, college, or university degree, or demonstrate sufficient and appropriate life experience for the chosen program;
    • Complete the online registration form;
    • Pay the full tuition fee, or a non-refundable registration deposit (see details in section 3)
  2. Upon enrollment at Ecole Setsuko, students commit to adhering to its prevailing general and financial terms.
  3. For online classes, students must have access to a computer, a functional Google Account and a reliable internet connection, suitable for joining video conferences (such as Zoom or Google Meet).

2. Exemptions

  1. Academic exemption: Students have the option to request exemptions from program courses they have previously taken at another institution. This requires a valid record of course content and transcripts of completion. In this case, the student may choose to audit the course while remaining exempt from assignments, exams or other evaluation.

    No financial credit to the program cost is offered for academic exemptions.
  2. For students having already completed core program courses to a high standard, a financial exemption is possible in the form of custom packages or à la carte registration. The submission of a diploma/certificate and transcripts is necessary for such a case. In certain instances, an equivalency examination may be obligatory.
  3. Certain courses within each program may offer the possibility for independent study, for a committed student whose schedule cannot be altered to allow regular attendance at the in-class sessions. Conditions apply, including:
    • The student must undergo an interview for approval of home-study commitment.
    • The student will study at their own pace, according to a signed study-contract stating deadlines, participation and assignment alternatives, and any other requirements set out by the teacher.
    • Should the self-study period fall outside the timeline of the live portion of the course, a student support fee (see section 3b) will be charged to compensate the teacher’s out-of-sequence workload.

3. Tuition, Payment Options and Student Support Fees

All tuition and other fees must be paid in Canadian dollars.

    1. Students have the option to pay tuition
      1. in full at the time of registration, including a non-refundable deposit ($250 for a program or custom package, $50 for an individual workshop or course);


      1. with a payment plan, if registering for a program or custom package, as follows:
        • A non-refundable deposit ($250), due upon registration to secure a student’s enrollment to the program.
        • The balance owing is payable in monthly installments equivalent to the length of the program or course. (Ex. A 4-month program will be paid in 4 monthly installments.)
        • Any exceptions to the plan must be reviewed on a per-case basis by the administration. Please contact Natalie Palmer ( to apply.
          • Plan payment(s) must be made on or before the 1st or 15th of the month, as designated during registration.
          • Plan payment(s) may be made by credit card, e-transfer*, post-dated cheque(s) or in person (cash or cheque).
          • Any alterations to the scheduled installments will incur an administrative fee of $25.
          • Please keep your payment information up to date, to avoid any penalty charges or academic interruption. Missed payments or returned cheques will result in an additional charge of $45.
          • Students are at risk of dismissal or other consequences after three (3) missed payment in their plan (see section 3c).

*A supplementary fee of $5 per transaction is applicable for all email transfers.

    1. Student support fees: During a course or program, should a student require extra tutelage and evaluation from a teacher beyond normal course time-frames and reasonable outside-of-classroom hours, student support fees will be charged at a rate of $60/hour, due by the end of the month in question.

These fees will be remitted directly to the teacher(s) for their extra time and energy on the student’s behalf. An estimated number of extra hours will be conveyed to the student before embarking on any such interaction.

Details of potential student support fees are found in other sections of this document.

  1. Academic interruption for non-compliance of payment plans:

    The tuition and other fees charged by the school are a representation of your commitment to yourself, your classmates and your teachers within a course or program of study. As such, an ongoing failure to honour any payments puts into question your willingness to complete the program and practice a modality in a professional manner.

    Any student who misses one (1)  monthly payment may be subject to a suspension of access to course attendance and/or materials. Missing more than three (3) payments may result in dismissal from the program.

    Issuance of diplomas/certificates is contingent upon the settlement of all outstanding balances of tuition and other fees.

4. Cancellation Policies and Reimbursement (General)

All notices of cancellation must be received in writing at

    1. Cancellation within a Program:

If a student wishes to cancel their registration from a program or custom package within the first 14 days of enrollment, Ecole Setsuko will refund any payments made at that point, minus the registration deposit (see section 3a).

After this initial 14-day period, reimbursements will be determined on a pro-rata basis. The student will be responsible for paying the cost of all classes they attended, or to which they had access in the Google Classroom at the time of cancellation, as well as any student support fees they accrued up to that point. If more than 50% of the course has been completed or posted, no refund will be granted.

    1. Cancellation of a Workshop or A la Carte Course:
      1. i) For workshops or individual courses cancelled by the Ecole Setsuko before their start-date, participants will be notified at least 48 hours before the workshop’s scheduled start. A 100% refund will be issued within 3-5 business days.
      2. ii) If a registrant cancels a workshop or individual course with a minimum 48 hours’ notice, a refund or credit will be issued, minus the non-refundable deposit (see section 3a).

No refunds or credits will be given for

        • cancellations within 48 hours of the start of a workshop or à la carte course;
        • those who do not attend workshop;
        • any missed classes within a short series.
    1. Rescheduling
      1. If a teacher becomes unavailable for a scheduled class date, the teacher will notify all students in advance, or as soon as possible in unforeseen circumstances. A mutually convenient date/time will be arranged for the make-up session. No reimbursement will be provided for any such rescheduled sessions.
      2. Should an entire course or workshop be rescheduled for any reason, and a student is unable to attend the new date, a full reimbursement will be granted without penalties.
      3. Should a student miss an in-class evaluation, make-up assignments, quizzes or exams are permitted with a valid doctor’s note or written director approval. These will be scheduled at the teacher’s discretion, and are subject to a student support fee (see section 3b).

For students facing unexpected hardships, please submit a written letter to the Ecole Setsuko Director ( for possible extensions or leaves of absence from the program of study.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a standard of ethical behaviour upheld by students, teachers, administration and graduates. It is the understanding that all members of the Ecole Setsuko community act with respect (kindness, stay open to others’ POV, know words and actions have an impact), honesty (tell the truth, credit sources), fairness (equitable actions), responsibility (honour code of conduct, model behaviour), trust (believe in others and in the process of learning) and courage (allow the discomfort of difficult conversations or addressing wrongs).

The courses and programs at Ecole Setsuko are designed to provide students with the knowledge needed to effectively support clients, using specific modalities, upon completing their studies. While students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity during their course of study, these values will only serve to enhance their professionalism later on. In the same way, any diversion from that integrity (ex. by disrespectful behaviour, plagiarism or other forms of cheating) will only undermine their reputation within the school and alternative health communities.

The administration and teachers are here to support student success in any reasonable way they can. Reach out to any of them for assistance with academic or other school-related issues. Someone will be happy to discuss and help find a mutually beneficial solution.

5. Progress, Evaluation and Grading

Whether participating in a professional program or taking a class for general interest, a student will get the most out of their studies by engaging fully with the material. Exams, assignments and other evaluation methods are given with the aim of gauging a student’s progress through, and ensuring that they are gaining thorough competency from, the course or program.

Furthermore, program diplomas/certificates, course attestations and/or continuing education credits all come with a standardized set of requirements. All evaluation is geared towards fulfilling those requirements. Without seeing all required work from the student, the teacher and/or administration will be unable to attest to their grasp of certain competencies.

As of September 2023, Ecole Setsuko is undergoing a transition to a basic P (pass) / F (fail) model of progress and grading. During this transition, some teachers may continue to use the numbered grading system on individual assignments, tests and exams. The final course grade will be a simple P or F.

A student must

  • Receive a P (min 60%) on all evaluation methods to pass a course;
  • Receive a P in all courses indicated as prerequisite for a subsequent level before the start of that next level;
  • Receive a P in all required courses and clinic(s) to graduate from a program.

6. Syllabus and Materials

    1. Ecole Setsuko retains the right to amend or update course curricula and syllabi without prior notice. Any changes will be communicated to necessary students in a timely way.
    2. All videos, manuals, handouts and other course materials, whether printed, online, or linked, are protected and cannot be copied, modified, shared, or distributed without prior written consent. Students may download or print materials for their personal use only, for the duration of a given course/program.

Students maintain access to course materials within the Google Classroom for the duration of their program of study. Courses are archived one (1) month after the end of a course, or one (1) month after the end of the program, for core courses in that program.

Note that material and links are not updated once the course is complete and/or archived, and may no longer reflect the latest information available.

  1. Course books, study guides, and course materials are non-refundable under any circumstances.

7. Homework and Study Time

Students are accountable for managing their schedules and allocating time for study and completion of assigned reading, assignments, take-home tests and projects. In general, a student can expect to spend at least the same number of hours on work outside of class, as those in-class.

If an assignment cannot be completed on time, students must request an extension from their teacher. Failing to request an extension, or omitting to do it altogether, will result in an F for that assignment.

8. Extensions and Make-Up Assignments

    1. Sometimes work commitments or unforeseen events prevent a student from handing in their work on time. Students are expected to notify their teacher(s) – at least two (2) weeks ahead of any anticipated change, or as soon as possible in the case of unforeseen events – if they are unable to complete any assignment or test by the expected due date. Arrangements will be made for an alternate due date and/or evaluation method, at the teacher’s discretion, and may be subject to student support fees (see section 3b).

In such a case, the student is expected to keep up with the remaining coursework as originally outlined.

Students will be limited to a maximum of three (3) such extensions** for each cycle of a program. The main purpose of this limit is to encourage students to keep up with the program time-line. Too many delays may inhibit their ability to move forward to the next cycle and/or level of the course.

** An extension includes all courses affected by the disruption.
Ex. If a student is away or sick for one week, any assignment delays in that week count as one (1) extension.

  1. If any of the student’s assignments/tests are evaluated as an F (see section 5), they must contact the teacher for a new deadline no later than two (2) weeks after the original due date, as well as any other details of resubmission. This may require extra help from the teacher, extra work by the student, and may incur student support fees.
  2. All student work must be completed no later than 30 days after the end of a cycle. At that point, any incomplete evaluation, and a student’s eligibility to move into the next cycle and/or graduate, will be evaluated on an individual basis, according to teacher and administrative discretion.
  3. Too many delays in assignments may be grounds for dismissal from the program (see section 10a).

9. Tutoring and Mentorship

  1. Ecole Setsuko offers private tutoring and mentorship for select courses as needed. For details and pricing, kindly contact your instructor directly.
  2. Ecole Setsuko provides guidance and mentorship to students requiring assistance with course direction or simple course-related inquiries.
  3. Check-in meetings are scheduled twice a year to review each student’s progress in the program.
  4. Students will be added to a private Google Classroom for school-related questions and an open communication platform with fellow students. Any course-related questions or communication should be addressed in the Stream of that course’s G-Class.

Forming study groups is also encouraged.

10. Dismissal or Withholding of Diploma/Certificate

  1. a) Failure to fulfill end-of-year requirements within a program could lead to dismissal, unless an extension request has been approved.
  2. b) Students who fail to meet course requirements will receive an “Incomplete” grade and will need to make up the work in order to receive their diploma/certificate, incurring student support fees (see section 3b).
  3. c) Diplomas/certificates will also be withheld from students who have not met all academic and clinical criteria, or have any unresolved academic or clinical requirements.
  4. d) Failure to remit tuition and other fees in a timely manner could lead to dismissal.
  5. e) Diplomas/certificates will not be issued to students with outstanding balances.

Code of Conduct, Ethics and Certification

11. Standards of Conduct

Students are expected to uphold the values of academic integrity and generally respectful behaviour that supports the mission and community of Ecole Setsuko.

Students may be warned, suspended, or dismissed for any of the following:

  • Attending classes or clinics under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • Accepting any form of compensation for services provided as a student;
  • Causing or threatening physical harm to anyone in the school community;
  • Harassing anyone in the school community, or exhibiting any behaviour that might incite violence or unrest;
  • Verbal abuse and lack of general personal civility, including shouting, insults, or personal attacks in-person or online;
  • Theft, or damage of school, staff, and/or another student’s property
  • Breaches of academic integrity, including plagiarism, cheating, or misrepresenting the work of others’ as one’s own
  • Disregard of safety regulations and appropriate hygiene at in-person classes and clinics;
  • Sexual gestures or advances in a clinical or classroom setting, be it in-person or virtual;
  • Failure to maintain academic compliance;
  • Failure to adhere to payment plans.

12. Disciplinary Actions

Any student who fails to act with academic integrity, who withholds payment of fees, who does not maintain their academic standing, and/or does not generally follow the school policies and procedures risks being deprived of school privileges.

The director will inform any student of reported misconduct and may

  • Bar the student (temporarily or permanently) from any in-person or online groups or courses;
  • Issue an academic or financial warning;
  • Outline possible consequences and further action;
  • Issue probationary requirements for the student to remain in good standing at the school;
  • Dismiss the student, preventing them from access to any courses, materials, or groups (online or in-person), effective immediately;
  • Inform the student’s teachers of any necessary conditions relating to their courses.

Students suspended from courses are subject to the same deadlines and rules of extension, upon their return, as originally stated in their current course outline(s) and these policies. If that is not possible, they may opt to retake the course at a later date. Continuation with the program may, then, need to be altered accordingly.

13. Certification and Licensing

Ecole Setsuko grants certification, upon successful completion of workshops designed for general interest, catering to continuing education and other non-program students.

For Program Students:

  1. a) Until the Program is successfully completed and relevant documentation is furnished, students are prohibited from using the School’s name or a professional title in any capacity, until such documentation has been proffered.
  2. b) Charging for services is not permissible until the Program is concluded; however, students can accept donations.
  3. c) For students enrolled in Diploma or Certificate Programs, each completed title will result in the issuance of a Diploma/Certificate, accompanied by relevant transcripts or letters that are essential for professional association applications.
  4. d) Additional certificates or diplomas can be acquired at an additional cost to be determined at the time of request. It is important to note that the diploma does not serve as a governmental license to practice.
  5. e) All courses within our training programs are solely for educational purposes.
  6. f) Students are accountable for investigating and adhering to local laws and regulations governing natural therapy practices in their intended areas of practice.

14. Privacy and Confidentiality

  1. a) Certain online classes may be recorded, and students will receive prior notification before joining.
  2. b) Student email addresses will remain concealed in any class-wide correspondence, unless consent is granted to share it with the other students in that course.
  3. c) Access to lesson plans and course notes requires a Google account and login to the Google Classroom.

Any assignments submitted through this platform remain confidential, with only the teacher having access to view, edit, or comment on the work. Directors have access for cases of academic compliance only. Other teachers may be granted access to view only, in order to understand a student’s progress or a related course’s content.

  1. d) Personal audio and video recordings are strictly prohibited.
  2. e) For students with pre-existing health conditions or other limitations concerning body or energy work, it is their responsibility to discreetly inform their current teachers, with the assurance of confidentiality.
  3. f) Student progress reports will be discussed between their ongoing teachers and the director, unless the student has previously declined this arrangement in writing.

Student Statement

By registering for any workshop, individual course or program of study at Ecole Setsuko, a student acknowledges that they have read and agree with the following statements:

  1. I acknowledge that engaging in any form of plagiarism, cheating, or dishonest behavior may lead to failed assignments and/or dismissal from Ecole Setsuko.
  2. I understand that maintaining respect for administration, teachers and classmates, as well as appropriate conduct are an imperative reflection of academic integrity. Failure to uphold the school’s values, as outlined in this document, may result in disciplinary measures and potential dismissal.
  3. I am aware that all outlined courses within a chosen program of study must be completed satisfactorily to be eligible for the final exam and graduation.
  4. I understand that sharing copyrighted materials from Ecole Setsuko with anyone outside of a course (including non-students and graduates) may result in dismissal.