Setsuko Blog

Top 3 tips towards a balanced lifestyle and strong immune system, based on the Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Jenni Lee Eat seasonally and locally Our bodies adjust to our environment and the foods that naturally grow here help us maintain an internal climate that keeps us warm in the winter months and cools us in the heat of summer.According to the five elements, salty is the flavor of winter, which brings energy down and in.This includes seaweeds, kelp and Himalayan salts.It helps to moisten dryness, soften hard masses and reduce stiffness, but should be used in caution for those who have high blood pressure or edema.Pineapple is an example of a food that does not grow

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basket of vegetables

The Freedom of Limits by Cathy Cochrane

Who doesn’t love the fall? The back-to-school energy of fresh notebooks, resetting daily routine, getting all your ducks in a row for the settling-down end of the year. I sure love it. On the other hand, my inner teenager is balking at the idea of constriction, rebelling along with my 13-yr-old who hates having to do what other people tell him. “I want to do what I want to do!” “I want to eat what I want to eat!” “I want to go where I want to go!” I feel like I’m being squeezed back into a box of

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